Domain name transfer rule DnShe

If you need to transfer your DNSHE registered domain name to another registrar for hosting, according to relevant regulations such as ICANN and CNNIC, your domain name needs to meet the following conditions before it can be transferred. The specific details are as follows:
The domain name must meet the following restrictions in order to be transferred out.
Restriction rules
The domain name must be within 15 natural days of expiration (limited to domestic domain names: cn、. China, * cn、.wang、.top)。
If the validity period of the domain name is less than 15 natural days, please complete the domain name renewal before transferring it out.
The domain name cannot be in arrears status.
Please make up for the fees before transferring out.
A new domain name registration must be completed within 60 natural days.
Please wait for the domain restriction period to expire before transferring.
The domain name subject information cannot be disputed.
The domain name cannot be in the judicial, arbitration, or domain name dispute resolution period.
The domain name must be transferred to DNSHE within 60 natural days.
Please wait for the domain restriction period to expire before transferring.
The domain name cannot be in the renewal grace period.
Please complete the domain name renewal before transferring out.
The domain name cannot be in the redemption period.
Please complete the domain name redemption before transferring it out.
The domain name cannot be in the deletion or pending deletion period.
The domain name cannot be in a registry restricted transfer state.
The domain name cannot be transferred to the registrar lock period within 60 natural days after the domain name information change.
Please wait for the domain restriction period to expire before transferring.
The domain name needs to be renewed/redeemed within 45 natural days.
Please wait for the domain restriction period to expire before transferring.
If the domain name still needs to be transferred out before 45 natural days, the domain name's lifespan will not increase by 1 year normally.
The domain name does not have a transfer lock enabled.
If enabled, please disable the transfer lock before proceeding with the transfer.
The domain name has not enabled the update lock.
If enabled, please disable the update lock before transferring out.
The domain name cannot be in a compliant banned state.
The domain name is in the 'Serverhold' or 'Client hold' state.
The domain name cannot be in a transition state.
If in a transition state, please be patient and wait.

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