Domain WHOIS Verification Requirements Explanation

Starting from January 1st, 2014, all newly registered, newly transferred, and newly transferred domain names will undergo domain name whois email verification.
When a domain name is successfully registered, transferred, or transferred, the registrar will send a confirmation email to the new registrant's email address. Please click on the confirmation address within 15 days. Otherwise, the registrar will close the resolution as required by ICANN.
As a necessary step to verify the authenticity and accuracy of domain name Whois information, the contact information of each generic domain name registrant must be authenticated within 15 days in the following situations.
1. Register a domain name using unverified contact information
2. Newly transferred domain name
3. Modify the contact information of the domain name registrant
If the domain owner fails to verify contact information within 15 days, the registrar will temporarily freeze the domain until the verification process is completed. This regulation has been officially implemented since January 1, 2014, and does not apply to domain names registered before this date if there has been no change in contact information.
Starting from January 1st, 2014, domain name registrants' email addresses will receive a verification email. The domain registrant must click on the link within 15 days to complete the verification process.
If the registrant fails to complete the verification operation within the specified time, the domain DNS will be stopped from resolving and directed to a specific parking page. This page will display a prompt message (currently in English) indicating that the registrant's contact information has not been verified, causing the inability to use it normally, and suggesting that the registrant restore the domain name by contacting the domain registration service provider.
Key points of verification process:
1. The verification email will be sent immediately after the domain name registration is successful. If the registrant fails to respond in a timely manner, the system will send reminder emails again on the seventh and fourteenth days after registration.
2. The domain name can still be resolved normally within the prescribed 15 day verification period. Unless the necessary verification process is not completed within the specified time, domain owners are free to use it.
Once the email is verified, all subsequent registration/transfer/contact information updates using that email do not require repeated verification.
According to ICANN's terms and conditions, every year, the registrar will send a Whois Data Reminder email to the domain name registrant to remind them of the accuracy of the Whois information. At the same time, the registrar will monitor the status of all email sending - if there is a rejection, the registrar's dispute resolution department will conduct a review and take corresponding measures for the domain name.
If you have any questions about the new process, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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