How to install Baota host panel on ECS server or VPS server under LINUX system

The installation method of the Pagoda panel on the ECS cloud server vps server purchased by DnShe using LINUX system:

The installation method of the Pagoda panel on the ECS cloud server vps server purchased by DnShe using LINUX system:
System compatibility ranking: Debian 12 (recommended), Ubuntu 22, CentOS 9, OpenCloud 9, TencentOS Server 4, Alibaba Cloud 3, Kirin, Tongxin, Euler and other Linux systems
CentOS/OpenCloud/Alibaba Stable Version: URL= ;if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ]; then curl -sSO $url; else wget -O $url; fi;bash ed8484bec
Debian installation script stable version: wget-O && bash ed8484bec
Ubuntu/Deepin installation script stable version: wget-O && sudo bash ed8484bec
Universal installation script: url= ;if [ -f /usr/bin/curl ]; then curl -sSO $url; else wget -O $url; fi;bash ed8484bec
How to troubleshoot if the panel cannot be accessed after installation?
1. Check if the server security group has released the panel port. Command to view the panel port: cat /www/server/panel/data/
2. Check if the panel is functioning properly and try executing the command to restart the pagoda: bt restart. If no error is returned, it indicates that the pagoda is functioning properly
3. Execute bt default to obtain the latest panel login address and attempt to access it
If there is any error related information, please contact customer service
1. Execute bt default to obtain the default account password

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