DNSHE Product Usage Restrictions

DNSHE Product Usage Restrictions

Welcome to the DNSHE Internet service solutions (hereinafter referred to as the "Services"). To ensure the security, legality, and stability of the Services, we have formulated these Usage Restriction Terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms"). Please read and ensure you fully understand these Terms before using the Services. By using DNSHE Services, you agree to comply with the following provisions:

1. Scope of Application

These Terms apply to all services provided by DNSHE, including but not limited to:

  • Cloud Services: Virtual machines, elastic computing, cloud storage, load balancing, etc.
  • VPS Servers: Virtual private servers for various hosting needs.
  • Web Hosting: Website hosting and management.
  • Domain Registration: Domain purchasing, renewal, and DNS management.
  • SSL Certificates: Website data encryption and identity verification.
  • DNS Resolution: Domain resolution and traffic management services.
  • CDN Content Distribution: Services to improve global website speed and performance.

2. Usage Restrictions

2.1 Illegal Activities

Users must not use DNSHE Services to engage in the following illegal activities:

  • Publishing or distributing content containing terrorism, violence, or hate speech.
  • Supporting or participating in any form of cybercrime, including hacking, phishing, and fraud.
  • Storing or distributing copyrighted materials without proper authorization, such as pirated software, movies, or music.

2.2 Network Abuse

  • Prohibited actions include network attacks such as DDoS, traffic manipulation, and port scanning.
  • Sending large volumes of unauthorized emails, advertisements, or spam via virtual hosting or VPS is forbidden.
  • Hosting high-risk applications, including open proxies, open DNS resolvers, or unprotected open port services, is not allowed.

2.3 Content Hosting and Distribution

Users must not host or distribute the following content via DNSHE Services:

  • Adult content, pornography, or any material inappropriate for minors.
  • Content encouraging criminal behavior, spreading misinformation, or violating others' privacy.
  • Content involving discrimination, hate, or racism.

2.4 Resource Abuse

  • Overusing purchased service quotas (e.g., storage, bandwidth, CPU) in a way that affects other users' service quality is prohibited.
  • Circumventing system resource monitoring or limitation measures, such as bypassing traffic billing or abusing CDN caching, is forbidden.

3. User Responsibilities

3.1 Data Security

  • Users are responsible for backing up all data hosted on DNSHE; DNSHE is not liable for data loss or damage.
  • Users must ensure the integrity and security of uploaded content, avoiding malicious code, viruses, or harmful files.

3.2 Account Management

  • Users must securely manage their DNSHE login credentials, including usernames and passwords.
  • Users are solely responsible for unauthorized access or misuse caused by poor account management.

3.3 Compliance Responsibility

  • Users must ensure their use of DNSHE Services complies with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Users are fully responsible for legal liabilities arising from hosted content or service activities.

4. DNSHE Rights

4.1 Service Monitoring and Review

  • DNSHE reserves the right to monitor and review user-hosted content, service traffic, and usage behavior as necessary to ensure service security and compliance.
  • DNSHE may take actions such as warnings, service suspension, or contract termination if violations of these Terms are detected.

4.2 Service Adjustments

  • DNSHE reserves the right to optimize and adjust service content, pricing, and resource allocation, notifying users via website announcements or email.

4.3 Cooperation and Legal Disclosure

  • DNSHE is obligated to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in investigating illegal activities and may disclose user information as required by law.

5. Service Suspension and Termination

5.1 Service Suspension

DNSHE may temporarily suspend services under the following circumstances:

  • User resource usage exceeds purchased limits without timely replenishment.
  • Detection of malicious traffic or security threats requiring maintenance.

5.2 Service Termination

DNSHE reserves the right to terminate services unilaterally in the following cases:

  • Repeated violations of these Terms without timely rectification.
  • Failure to pay relevant fees for over two days.
  • User behavior causing significant harm to DNSHE's reputation, other users' rights, or system security.

6. Disclaimer

6.1 Data Loss

DNSHE is not liable for data loss caused by force majeure events (e.g., natural disasters, cyberattacks).

6.2 Third-Party Services

Disputes arising from third-party services integrated with DNSHE (e.g., domain registrars or SSL providers) must be resolved directly between the user and the third party. DNSHE bears no responsibility.

7. Amendments to Terms

DNSHE reserves the right to update these Terms in accordance with business development and legal requirements. Any changes will be announced prominently on the official website. Revised Terms take effect upon publication. Continued use of the Services constitutes acceptance of the revised Terms.

8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms are governed by the laws of DNSHE's registration jurisdiction. Any disputes shall first be resolved through amicable negotiation.
If negotiations fail, both parties agree to submit the dispute to a court with jurisdiction in DNSHE's registration location.

Contact Us

For any questions or feedback, please contact DNSHE through the following channels:

Additional Notes

Users with special business needs may contact DNSHE customer service for customized solutions.
DNSHE will continue optimizing services through technological upgrades. Thank you for your understanding and support!

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