What is a domain transfer code

Domain name transfer code, also known as authorization code or EPP (Extended Provision Protocol) key, is referred to as EPP code or Auth code in foreign countries. Each domain name has its own transfer password.

Only by knowing this transfer password can the domain name be transferred from one registrar to another. According to ICANN's terms, each domain name registrar is obligated to inform the domain name registrant of the transfer password for the domain name. Not all domain names have a transfer password. Common domain name suffixes (such as. com,. net) generally have a transfer password, while some country domain names do not have a transfer password.
The domain transfer code is an authorization code provided by the domain service provider to prove that you own the domain. When the hosting service provider needs to take over its domain related business, only if you provide the correct domain transfer code, will the domain service provider consider you reliable and trustworthy, and allow you to operate on it. So the domain transfer code is equivalent to the password of a domain name and is very important. Using domain name transfer codes can facilitate domain name transfer, renewal, buying and selling between various domain service providers.

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