Linux restart command: reboot

Linux also has its own restart command, which is very simple to use. Generally, you only need to enter reboot in SSH to restart. When controlling a VPS server, there is no need to enter the server's backend panel. Simply open SSH and enter the above commands.
[Grammar] Reboot [Options]
The reboot command is used to restart the computer. Its function is the same as shutdown - r now.
Corresponding functions of options
-Retain current data before restarting.
-Force restart the computer.
-Simulate a restart and write data to the '/var/log/wtmp' log file.
-D restarts, but does not write logs.
-Shut down the network before restarting the computer.
Directly restart the computer:
Simply enter the following command in SSH
After successful execution, the system will prompt 'The system is going down for reboot now!'!

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